
Serverless LineageOS OTA

Fully Automated Serverless OTA Service for LineageOS

HTTP to HTTPS redirect warning

If you are willing to use HTTP URLs and one day you decide to switch to HTTPS, remember that the Updater app will NOT follow the redirect when the protocol changes. Therefore only HTTP -> HTTP or HTTPS -> HTTPS redirects are allowed.

API Calls example

Those API calls are just to show the potential of this Serverless stack. They may work ( or may not ) depending on which files I do have uploaded currently on my Basketbuild account.

Huawei Y635: https://ota.julianxhokaxhiu.com/api/v1/hwY635/unofficial/2d0af02b32


This OTA Service is done using:


Page Rule


Code repository where the generation script lives. Two branches exists:


The CI service is configured with the following environment variables:

See .travis.yml for more informations.


WARNING: delete any other directory in the root folder. Only device folders are allowed!

All my ZIP files are uploaded inside to the device type directory ( eg. /hwY635/lineage-14.1-20171226_235653-UNOFFICIAL-hwY635.zip ).